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Lea und Dylan

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Was andere gesagt haben:

I've eaten a lot of pizza from a lot of different places but this has got to be one of the best I've ever had! Not only can you really taste the quality of ingredients but also the wood fire which is incomparable to any other pizza oven. I will definitely be going back to Pizza Wala soon =)
Chef, Kitchen Manager
If you are looking for great freshly out of the oven pizza then PizzaWala is the address for you... Beyond the deliciousness of their products you can feel the love poring out of their pizza yollos !! Highly recommended...​
Eine Steinofenbarung! Knusprig leckerer Boden, geschmacksintensiver Belag und Liebe zum Handwerk. Man schmeckt das Können in jedem Bissen. Beide beim Zubereiten zuzusehen, steigert die Vorfreude noch. Pizza at it‘s best!